Insights from our team

Should your business use chatbots?

Should your business use chatbots?

When a virtual assistant greets you when you call your bank or when a chat box solicits your contact details on a travel website or the information you search for on a real estate broker’s listing page, irrespective of time of day, you are experiencing chatbots at work. If one parses the many definitions of...

Fighting Pandemics With Technology

Blockchain: A solution for tomorrow’s challenges

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word blockchain? For many people, it is usually bitcoin. Though cryptocurrency is the most well-known use case, blockchain technology has gone beyond that to infiltrate virtually every industry and transform global economies. Blockchain is indeed a disruptive technology that has a...

Changing Dimensions for Talent Acquisition in HR

Changing Dimensions for Talent Acquisition in HR

In today’s market scenario, there are bright HR professionals who have a keen interest to develop themselves and build a fantastic workplace that in turn can create the best contributors for the company. Great companies seek HR qualities such as capability, growth, scalability, ability and thirst to learn. You can find remarkable talented HR professionals...

Enhance Customer Engagement with the AI-based CRM

Enhance Customer Engagement with the AI-based CRM

Finesse is one of the most trusted global software system integrators in the MENA region. Our goal is to help our clients realize Digital Transformation by leveraging the power of AI-based CRM solutions. The concept of CRM has evolved over the years. It should be a “platform of platforms”, with thousands of third party apps and...

Empowering Businesses with Blockchain Technology

Empowering Businesses with Blockchain Technology

All in the last four years you have heard and read about the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and in these years, Finesse has served their many renowned enterprise clients with sucessful solutions for Blockchain technology. Cryptograpy, Consesus and Decentalization – the three main pillars of Blockchain are uniquely handled by our expert team. Thus, ensuring...

Unleash the Power of BI and Analytics with Finesse

Unleash the Power of BI & Analytics with Finesse

According to a research, over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generates every single day, and it will only grow from there. By 2020, the count is expected to increase by 1.7MB of data, every second for every person on the earth. In such an environment, Data Analytics and Information Management plays a very important role in keeping...

Modernize your Performance Procedure with Finesse

Modernize your Performance Procedure with Finesse

Finesse is extending Corporate Performance Management and Business Intelligence services through unified software platforms. With CPM, organizations can streamline planning, budgeting and forecasting across finance, sales, human resources, procurement, and other departments.Finesse solutions provide controlled, role-based access to a single source of truth from a powerful Excel add-in for the desktop, web applications, and even...

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