Since its launch in 2009, WhatsApp has emerged as the go-to messaging app for 2 billion consumers across 160+ countries. Fast, easy-to-use, reliable and secure – WhatsApp has become the choice of messaging globally. As a business, you would also have heard of how WhatsApp for Business has become the talk of the town. It...
Benefits of Automation (RPA) In the year 1765, the world witnessed the first industrial revolution when we moved from hand-produced goods to machines. This also led to industry being established as one of the key pillars of the economy; up until then world over economies were predominantly agriculture-based. In 1870, hundred years later, as a...
The maxim ‘cash is king’ still carries currency in the oil-exporting countries in the Middle East. In fact, cash remains the most widely used payment instrument in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the first and second biggest Arab economies in the world. While the UAE and Saudi have some of the highest...
How digital technologies such AI and data science can help governments mitigate threats The outbreak of Covid-19 differs from other 21st-century coronavirus epidemics such as SARS and MERS. So how does one control the spread of this pandemic, where the global total has now topped 600,000, with numbers rising rapidly in in Europe and the...
Sunil Paul, COO and co-founder of Finesse, on how digital technologies such as AI and data science can help us mitigate the Coronavirus threat. In 2003, after the outbreak of SARS, when the Hong Kong Department of Health decided to prepare for the next pandemic, it turned to algorithms to modernise its analytics platform. As...
SUNIL PAUL, COO AND CO-FOUNDER OF FINESSE, ANALYSES THE FAR-REACHING IMPLICATIONS OF THE BIGGEST EVENT TO BE STAGED IN THE ARAB WORLD FOR BUSINESSES. Expo 2020 Dubai is only eight months away. From October 2020 to March 2021, the world’s biggest trade fair is expected to attract more than 25 million new visitors to Dubai...
Sunil Paul, COO and co-founder of Finesse, on how the fourth industrial revolution will transform regional businesses. In January 2016, World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, published a book titled ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution.’ Since then, the term has been used to analyse the impact of emerging technologies on industrial, market and...
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